Code Switching As A Strategy In Classroom Interaction A Case Study At Alfabank English Course Academic Year 2012/2013

  • Ike Pristyawati


A Thesis, Faculty of English Languageand Cultural Studies University of Stikubank Semarang.  Supervisor’s: Liliek Soepriatmadji, Drs,M.Pd  Key words: code switching, classroominteraction, conversation The thesis is entitled CODE SWITCHING ASA STRATEGY IN CLASSROOM INTERACTION A CASE STUDY AT ALFABANK ENGLISH COURSEACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013.  The writer chose the title since thereis a lot of code switching found in Alfabank English Course. This thesis hastwo objectives. First, it is aimed or purpose at establishing the meaning ofcode switching that exists in Alfabank English Course. The second is codeswitching patterns used in Alfabank English Course. In this representation, the writercollects the data by using observation documentary, record, and libraryresearch. After the data are collected, then they are analyzed using thefollowing steps, listening to the recording, transcribing, segmenting,identifying, categorizing, explaining, and construing. Documentation method was used to collectthe data. All of code switching found in Alfabank English Course was taken tobe the data. In finding out the realization of code switching and it is use,the writer recorded the conversation of tutor between students in classroom. Inanalyzing the data, the writer applied qualitative technique.

Author Biography

Ike Pristyawati