Self Actualization of Main Characters in Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates Based on Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Needs

  • Ardi Pamungkas


A Thesis, Faculty of Language andCultural Studies, Undergraduate Program of the University of StikubankSemarang. Supervisor: Agnes Widyaningrum,SE,S.Pd, M.Pd.  Key words: Character andcharacterization, self actualization, theory of needs.   The thesis is entitled Self Actualization ofMain Characters in Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates Based on Abraham Maslow’sTheory of Needs. The writer chose this title because self actualization is aninteresting topic to discuss and also described the desire forself-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for human to become actualized inwhat he/she is potentially. This thesis has two objectives. First, it is aimed atfinding out the self actualization in the conversation “Peter Segal's film 50First Dates”. Second, it is aimed at explaining the self actualization which isindicated in the conversation “Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates”.  The analysis used Abraham Maslow’s theory ofNeeds to collect the data. All of self actualization in the conversation “PeterSegal's film 50 First Dates” was taken to be the data of the research. Infinding out the phenomena of self actualization, the writer analyzed theconversation of main characters in “Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates”. Inanalyzing the data, the writer applied descriptive qualitative analysis.  The research results reveal that five selfactualization were found in the selected data. The types of self actualizationmostly found are creativity, being spontaneous, focusing on the problem,problem solving, and acceptance of facts.

Author Biography

Ardi Pamungkas