Theme and Rheme In The Children Short Story Reading Texts Taken From 366 Bedtime Stories

  • Laraswati Nopilar


A Thesis in a Partial Fulfillment of theRequirements for a Degree Award of SarjanaSastra in English Language and Literature, Supervised by AgnesWidyaningrum, SE, S.Pd, M.Pd, FBIB-UNISBANK Semarang.               Key Word:Textual Theme, Interpersonal Theme,Ideational Theme, Rheme Thisthesis presents “An Analysis ofTheme and Rheme in The Children Short Story Reading Texts taken From 366 Bedtime Stories”. The aims of the thesis is to analyzethe Theme-Rheme in the children short story readingtextstaken from 366 bedtime stories. The data wereanalyzed by using two methods. They are method of datacollection and method of data analysis. The writer usesthe library research and internet as the method of data collection. Moreover,the writer gathers the data from childrenshort story readingtexts takenfrom 366 bedtime stories. Themethod of data analysis applied is qualitative analysis method.There are three types of Theme in the text. They areTextual Theme (34%),Interpersonal Theme (1%)and Ideational or Topical Theme (65%). TopicalTheme consists of Unmarked Topical Theme (85%) and Marked Topical Theme (15%).Topical Theme is the most dominant in this thesis because type of text inchildren short story include descriptive text.

Author Biography

Laraswati Nopilar