Interpersonal Meaning Negotiated By The Characters Of The Short Story “The Ballerina Diaries ‘ Of Teen Vogue Magazine In October 2011.

  • Margareta Ari Kristanti


Supervisor: Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji,M.Pd.The thesis entitled INTERPERSONAL MEANINGNEGOTIATED BY THE CHARACTERS OF THE SHORT STORY “THE BALLERINA DIARIES” OF TEENVOGUE MAGAZINE IN OCTOBER 2011 has three objectives. They are to find out moodelements, mood types, and to identify the interpersonal meaning of conversationcreated in the short story.Thisresearch is qualitative research. The data taken are conversations of shortstory entitled “The Ballerina Diaries” OF Teen Vogue Magazine In October 2011.The writer used five steps to analyze the data: identifying each character’sexpressions in segmented clauses; putting the segmented short story into thepattern of mood and residue; identifying the mood elements; categorizing themood elements into their mood system and construing the tenor of the discourse. The mood elements of the clauses identified inthe conversation of the story “The Ballerina Diaries” are Subject and Finite.The mood types of the clause identified in the conversation of the story “TheBallerina Diaries” are 16 declarative clauses (55.2%), 6 exclamative clauses(20.7%), 4 imperative clauses (13.8%) and 3 interrogative clauses (10.3%). Thestatus among or between the participants is equal (the participants are givinginformation each other). The relationships of the people in the story are veryclose, so the social distance is minimal.

Author Biography

Margareta Ari Kristanti