The Development of the Paragraphs in Obama’s Remarks at Indonesia University November 10, 2010

  • Mahsusil Jannah


AResearch Paper, English Department, Undergraduate Program of University ofStikubank Semarang. Supervisor Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd.Keywords: Development, paragraphs, and remarks.Theobjective of this research is to explain the paragraph development in BarackObama’s remarks text. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The three importantparts of the remark text are the opening, body and conclusion. In Obama’s remark text, there are 2 opening paragraphs, thebody consists of 44 paragraphs, the concluding part of the remark consists of 1paragraph. The last section only reaffirmsthe things that are important in the body. Three needed elements in a paragraph are topicsentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence 26 paragraphs (55%), eighteen paragraphs containing the elements oftopic sentence and supporting details (38%), two paragraphs with only topic sentence each(5%),there is also one paragraph with only oneconcluding sentence (2%). And also there are several methods of paragraph development used in BarackObama's remark text. They are Deductive reasons (31.8%), Process (2.3%), Comparison and contrast (2.3%), Sequence or pointof view (2.3%), Sequence or Chronological (4.5%), Cause and effect (13.6%),Classification (2.3%), Inductive reasons (38.6%), Extended definition (2.3%). Basedon the result of the research above, the writer suggests that the student whostudies in English Language Education Department learn intensively how theparagraphs are developed and logically structured. In order, that they can makea text such as remarks, and it will be easy to understand and persuade theaudiences.

Author Biography

Mahsusil Jannah