A Study of Figurative Expressions Used in Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” Album

  • Tiffanny Duarte Gomes


A Thesis, Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA.Key words: FigurativeExpressions and figure of speech            The thesis is entitled A Study of Figurative ExpressionsUsed in Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” Album. The writer chose this title becausefigurative expression is an interesting topic to discuss and also there are alot of figurative expressions found in song lyrics. This thesis has twoobjectives. First, it is aimed at finding out the types of figurativeexpressions in the song lyrics “Fearless” album. Second, it is aimed atexplaining the true meaning of the song lyrics in “Fearless” album.            The writer collects the databy using internet and library research. All of figurative expressions in thesong lyrics “Fearless” album were taken to be the data of theresearch. After the data are collected, then they are analyzed using thefollowing steps: reading the song lyrics, doing identification, classificationand interpretation.            The research results reveal that ten figurativeexpressions were found in the selected data. The types of figurativeexpressions mostly found are hyperbole (32.8%), personification (25.5%) andmetaphor (7.4%). Frequently, figurative expressions are used in the song lyrics(100%).

Author Biography

Tiffanny Duarte Gomes