Family Conflict To Fight Of Power Depicted In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet " As Structuralism Study.

  • Hesti Riyandani


Riyandani,Hesti. 2012. Family Conflict to Fight of Power Depicted in William    Shakespeare’s Hamlet as Structuralism Study. A Thesis, English Department, underGraduate Program of University of Stikubank Semarang. Supervisor: Dra. MurtiHeruri, M.Hum.                     The writeranalysed family conflict of the fight of the power depicted in WilliamShakespeare’s Hamlet as structuralismstudy. The objectives of the studies is to analyze the structural elements inthe drama and to analyze the family conflict of the main character.                      Relating to the aim, thewriter analyzed the theme, plot, characters and setting using structuralismapproach. Structuralism approach is an approach to the sciences that attemptsto analyze a specific field as a complex system of interrelated parts. In orderto find the accurate data related to the thesis, the writer uses the libraryresearch as the method.                     The result shows thatthere is a relation between theme, plot, characters and setting in WilliamShakespeare’s Hamlet. Moreover, itinforms and can help the reader to understand deeply the relation betweentheme, plot, character and setting. The reader can learn the real life throughthis story. KeyWords: Structuralism,Theme, Plot, Characters, Setting.

Author Biography

Hesti Riyandani