The Codes Switched By The Characters Of Windhy Puspitadewi's Let Go Novel.

  • Priyo Diky Rinandi


Rinandi, Priyo D. 2011. THECODES SWITCHED BY THE CHARACTERS OF WINDHY PUSPITA DEWI’S LET GO NOVEL. AResearch Paper, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies of StikubankUniversity Semarang. Supervisor: Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd. This research paper is aimedat finding out the types of code-switching and explaining the functions ofcode-switching indicated in the Let Go novel. All code-switching found in LetGo novel were documented as the data, which were later analyzed usingdescriptive qualitative technique. The findings indicate the existence of onehundred and eighty two code-switching in the data. The types of code-witchingbased on language used are internal code switching (2.20%) and external codeswitching is (97.80%), based on the situation are situational code switching is(6.60%) and metaphorical code switching is (93.40%), based on the occurrenceare intra-sentential code switching (68.13) and inter-sentential code switching(31.87%).Code-switching is supposed tobe used to communicate more effectively (33.51%), to emphasize a point(22.51%), to capture attention (21.43%), to ease communication (12.09%),  and to convey precise meaning (9.34%) and toestablish goodwill and support (1.10%).Keywords: Code- Switching, internal code switching,external code switching,   methaporicalcode switching, situational code switching, intra-sentential code switching,inter-sentential code switching

Author Biography

Priyo Diky Rinandi