A Study Of Slangs As Used In 50 Cent's Lyrics.

  • Winda Ika Putri


Putri, Winda Ika. 2013. A Study of Slangs As Used in 50Cent’s Lyrics A Thesis, Faculty of English Language and Cultural Studies,Undergraduate Degree (S1) of the University of Stikubank Semarang. Supervisor:Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA. The study attempts to analyze andidentify the slangs used in 50 Cent’s lyrics. This study proposes a problemwhat the communication purposes of slangs in the song lyrics. The use of slangis various. Slang language had been used by musicians especially rap music.That is why the writer focused in the research to the use of slang language inthe lyrics of rap songs. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students ofEnglish department, especially to help them understand the slang language usedin 50 Cent’s song lyrics.In order to bring this study intoits purpose, the writer formulates two research problems, those are: whatslangs are used in 50 Cent’s lyrics and what communicative purposes do theslangs used in 50 Cent’s lyrics have.This analysis used descriptive method because it is todescribe the meaning of slang words in 50 Cent’s song lyrics. The data weretaken randomly, that there are five songs lyrics.From the data that have been analyzed, it was found thecommunication purposes of slangs used in 50 Cent’s lyrics are: to convey bystatement, to inform someone, to inform about something related to the slangsused, to request someone, to reassure someone, to warn someone, to start actionand implement activities, to ensure, to reassure something related to theslangs used, to convey by gesture, and to persuade someone.Thus, the writer suggests that the future researchersconduct the similar theme in the slang, which is not covered in this study, andin other researchers’ study, in order to give a positive contribution indifferent subjects, objects, and statement of the problems. Key Words: Sociolinguistics, Slang, Communication Purpose,50 Cent

Author Biography

Winda Ika Putri