Interpersonal Meaning Found In Martin Luther King Jr. Speech I Have A Dream.

  • Peranandari Peranandari


Peranandari.2013. Interpersonal Meaning Found inMartin Luther King Jr. Speech I Have a Dream, Faculty of Language andCultural Studies, Undergraduate Program of the University of StikubankSemarang. Supervisor: Agnes Widyaningrum, SE, S.Pd, M.Pd. This study examinesinterpersonal meaning found in Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech I Have a Dream. The writer has an interest to use the I Have a Dream speechscript because there are so many clauses written in differentsentence types and they may give a lot of knowledge related to considerablestudy. The writer tries toexplore how interpersonal meaning is achieved from the perspective ofFunctional Grammar and with the focus on mood, modal auxiliary, and personalpronouns in pronoun system.The theory proposed by Halliday (2009) was used as the framework to analyzeinterpersonal meaning built in Martin Luther King Jr. speech. The object of thestudy was analyzed using descriptive qualitative research as a method of study. The result of the study shows that the clauses in Martin Luther King Jr.speech script are major clause which has percentage of 99 % and minor clausehas percentage of 1 %. All mood systems in the speech scriptare declarative mood that consists of marked declarative clauses (16 %) andunmarked declarative clauses (84 %) as the majority. Then, the modalauxiliaries employed frequently are “Will” (72 %) and “Shall” (14 %). Last, thepronoun systems used mostly are “I” (37 %) that are used 13 times and “We” (31%) that are adopted 11 times. Keyword: systemic functional grammar,interpersonal meaning, mood system, modal auxiliary, pronoun system

Author Biography

Peranandari Peranandari