Politness Strategies Applied In Junior High School Javanese Text Books.

  • Niarti Niarti


Niarti. 2013.   Politeness Strategies Applied in Junior HighSchool Javanese Text Books, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies, StikubankUniversity. The Supervisor: Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA Thisstudy involves analyzing politeness strategies applied in Junior High SchoolJavanese Text Books for seven graders, explaining politeness strategies and FTApotential of the utterances used in conversation of Junior High School JavaneseText Books for seven graders based on Brown and Levinson’s theory. Politenessis the ways of communicators deliver messages in order that the conversationruns well. Each communicator needs to pay attention to politeness incommunication. Through this thesis the writer focuses this frame work in thisresearch to help the communicators in doing conversation. Theresearch if aimed to explain what kinds of politeness strategies used andutterances in speaking are potential to FTA applied in junior high schoolJavanese text books from three publishers. To analyze the data the writer used qualitative method bysegmenting dialogues into utterances and explaining the politeness strategies.The data were taken from three publishers of junior high school Javanese textbooks. Thoseare, Sofwan,Hayata, Rahmawan’s Budi Pakartining Basa 1, Drs. Sawukir, Sutadi S. Pd, Drs.Mulyadi’s Sinau Basa Jawa, Priyantono and Sawukir’s Marsudi Basa lan SastraJawa.Theresearcher found the politeness strategies used in junior high school Javanesetext books are Bald on record such as question, minimization ofthe face threat, and oriented usage. The strategies found are mostly positivepoliteness such as assume agreement, intensify interest to hearer,question, ask for reason, avoid disagreement, seek agreement, attend to hearer,be optimistic, give reason, promise, offer, notice to hearer, and exaggerate. Negativepoliteness such as be direct, minimize the imposition, be pessimistic, begforgiveness, hedge opinion and impersonalize the hearer. The last is off recordsuch as understate, presuppose and give hints.Furthermore, the researcher hopesthis research gives contributions to the researcher herself and the readers,and those who are interested in analyzing politeness strategies. To expand thisarea of investigation, the researcher suggests to next researcher to conductthe research on politeness strategies in the other form of literary.  Keywords: PolitenessStrategies, Javanese, FTA, conversation

Author Biography

Niarti Niarti