Semantic Interpretation Of The Utterances Produced By The Characters In Elaine Hopper's Short Story "Brazen."

  • Vike Martadina


Martadina, Vike. 2013.Semantic Interpretation of the Utterances Produced by the  Characters In Elaine Hopper’s Short Story“Brazen” Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies, Undergraduate Program ofthe University of STIKUBANK. Supervisor: Drs Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd. The study attempts to investigate Semantic Knowledge in the“Brazen” short story by Elaine Hopper. The researcher has an interest to useutterances in this short story because the characters use semantic knowledge.The theory used is one proposed by Kreidler (2002). This final project isdescriptive qualitative in nature, therefore it only describes the semanticknowledge of the data. The data were documented on the bases of the unit ofanalysis and analyzed on the basis of semantic knowledge theory. The results ofthe study indicate that 29 utterances contain semantic knowledge in ElaineHopper’s short story, Brazen. Data are classified into reference (13.79%),proposition (51.72%), hyperbole (6.90%) and connotative (27.59%). Propositionis mostly used in the utterances of Elaine Hopper’s short story. Some of theconversations employ reference, some use the figure of speech, hyperbole andconnotative.  Keywords: Semantic Knowledge, Short Story, Utterances

Author Biography

Vike Martadina