Illocutionary Acts Performed In Selected Conversations In Listening Sections Of 2006-2012 Senior High School State Exams.

  • David Kurniawan


Kurniawan,David. 2013. Illocutionary Acts Performedin Selected Conversations in Listening Sections of 2006-2012 Senior High SchoolState Exams. A Research Paper, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies,Undergraduate Program of Stikubank University. Supervisor: Drs. LiliekSoepriatmadji, M.Pd This researchpaper is entitled Illocutionary Acts Performed in Selected Conversations inListening Sections of 2006-2012 Senior High School State Exams. In thisresearch, the researcher would like to identify the meaning and function ofutterances within conversations in terms of speech act. It has objectives,which are aimed to find out the taxonomies of acts and speech functionsperformed in Selected Conversations in Listening Sections of 2006-2012 SeniorHigh School State Exams. Then, the analysis is based on pragmatics that is todiscuss illocutionary acts. In order to analyze the conversations, theresearcher uses descriptive qualitative method. The taxonomies of acts areperformed in 56 utterances namely: 24representative utterances: 24 statement (42,9%); 27 directive utterances: 9request (16,1%), 14 question (25,0%), 2 offer (3,6%), 2 command (3,6%); 4commissive utterances: 4 refusal (7,1 %); 1 expressive utterances: 1 gratitude(1,8%).The illocutionary act which mostly performed is statement (42,9%). It meansthat the speaker wants to state something to the listener. Then, the types ofspeech functions are performed in 56 utterances namely: 14 question utterances (25,0%), 10 requestutterances (17,9%), 4 offer utterances (7,1%), and 28 statement utterances(50,0%). It is seen that statement utterances (50,0%) are mostly performed. Itmeans the speaker wants to give information by stating something to thelistener. Keywords: IllocutionaryActs, Speech Function, Illocutionary Force, Conversations.

Author Biography

David Kurniawan