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This Abstract Repository is a compilation of Abstracts by the dean of Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies as means of providing information on the topics of the final projects (undergraduate theses).


As a matter of fact, each student should have written a journal in addition of his or her thesis. However, due to one thing or another, especially with respect to unavoidable technical matters, journal writing has not been able to be performed by September 2012 graduates.


Another reason is that what format should be adopted and where to upload the undergraduate journal have not been clearly defined. The university instead only provides the format for students’ journals written in Bahasa Indonesia (which is somehow easier to make). FBIB students always write their theses in English, which has taken much of their energy. It is therefore assumed to be unwise to give more burdens to the students. However, after things have been settled, possibly for the next graduates, each student should write a journal summarizing his or her thesis in not more than three pages (single spaced). A local format has yet to be formulated.


Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA

Dean of FBIB-UNISBANK, Semarang

Journal History


Students' Journal of Language & Culture


1.  Dr. Bambang Suko Priyono, MM.

2.  Dr. Tristiana Rijanti, SH., MM.


Penanggung Jawab:  Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA

Ketua  Editor:  Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd

Anggota Editor:

1. Dra. Katharina Rustipa, M.Pd. (Linguistik)

2. Yulistiyanti, SS. ( Sastra )


1. DHF. Donianto, S.Sos.

2. Sri Maryatun, A.Md


Alamat Sekretariat:

Fakultas Bahasa dan Ilmu Budaya Universitas Stikubank

Jl. Tri Lomba Juang No. 1 Semarang

Telp. (024) 8451976, Fax. (024) 8443240