An Analysis of Women Harassment in "Mad Max: Fury Road" Movie Using Feminism Theory by Simone de Beauvoir

  • Syavira Dewinta Chandra Wulan Student of Stikubank University
  • Teguh Kasprabowo Universitas Stikubank Semarang


Dewinta, Syavira. 2021. A Women Harassment in the Movie “Mad Max: Fury Road” Using
Feminism Theory by Simone de Beauvoir : As a Feminist Study. A final project in a Patrial
Filfillment of the requirements for a degree award of Sarjana Sastra in English Language and
This study aimed to analyze women harassments in Mad Max Furry Road movie. The
data was taken from the dialogs and the scenes in the movie that mostly displayed women
harassment and how the main character struggled to fight back against those harassments. The
method used in this study is qualitative method. The researcher analyze the data using the
theory of Simon de Beauvoir namely feminism theory. The study answered three questions
related to the kinds of harassments, the struggles of the main character and the impacts of the
harassments. The result showed that there are some kinds of harassments. They are physical
violence, sexual violence and Reproductive Coercion harassment. The study also showed how
the main character stuggled by fight the oppression experienced by them that is to, namely by
the female lead to save the other women, is by kidnapping them, use weapons and drive war
cars and then fighting against the men who oppress them together with the other women. Lastly
the study displayed the impacts of the harassments. They are feel traumatized and afraid if they
meet men, they also live alone without men, they find it difficult to communicate with men
again because they are worried that they will be bullied again.
Keywords : Feminism, Masculinity, Women Harassment, Furiosa.

How to Cite
Chandra Wulan, S., & Kasprabowo, T. (2021). An Analysis of Women Harassment in "Mad Max: Fury Road" Movie Using Feminism Theory by Simone de Beauvoir. Dinamika Bahasa Dan Budaya, 16(2), 86-96.