An Analysis of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in Basic Education: A Case Study at Semarang Municipality, Central Java, Indonesia

  • Sugeng Purwanto


The study aims at analyzing the achievement of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in Basic Education through a case study at Semarang Municipality. The findings shall be used as a starting point to predict the needs to meet MMS by 2015 and to provide strategies for achievement. Both primary and secondary data were used in the study investigating the gap between the real achievements and the standards as set out in MMS in terms of the number of schools and classrooms, support facilities, teachers, education staff, including books and teaching media. A little bit of non-personnel budgeting was also observed to be matched with the standards as set out by Education Ministry No. 69 / 2009. It turned out that classrooms and teachers outnumbered in Semarang with reference to the distribution of students and teachers according to national MMS even seemingly a waste of money. Teachers were abundant 2010 and would remain as such in 2015. Classrooms for Elementary Schools would be sufficient up to 2015, and six additional classrooms would be needed for Junior High Schools. However teachers’ qualifications were far from fulfilling MMS including the school principals. There lacked support facilities including books and teaching media. Meanwhile non-personnel budgets were low including allocation of funds for school supplies. Therefore, it is high time that City Government prioritized 9-year-obligatory education by redistribution of students and teachers, improvement of teachers’ qualifications, upgrade of school facilities in accordance with MMS and improved efficiency of school budgets.

Keywords: basic education, minimum service standards, teachers’ qualifications, school facilities

How to Cite
Purwanto, S. (1). An Analysis of Minimum Service Standards (MSS) in Basic Education: A Case Study at Semarang Municipality, Central Java, Indonesia. Dinamika Bahasa Dan Budaya, 10(2).